Living with Arthritis

Did you know? 🤔 According to Arthritis Foundation the myth that aching joints are a sign of cold weather might hold some truth. Studies have shown that cold weather can impact both inflammatory and non-inflammatory arthritis. ❄️

Those living with joint pain can be affected in every season, and seniors are especially prone to developing arthritis. It’s helpful to discuss signs and symptoms, diagnosis, and strategies to help you or your loved one continue the activities that bring them purpose and joy.

Learn more about living with arthritis.

Aging Gracefully: Caring for Muscles, Joints and Bones

Aging bodies are just another adventure in life! ❤️ At Comfort Keepers, we’re here to bring joy to daily routines, including caring for the muscles, joints, and bones that keep us moving.

Maintaining our strength and movement helps us reduce the risk of diseases like osteoporosis and arthritis.